Чтобы день не пропадал совсем впустую, вот несколько интересных цитат Ро=)
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Q: You did. So you didn't write one or two, and then as they became popular, then write the rest.
JKR: No no, not at all. I always planned that we would see Harry from starting at Hogwarts to finishing at Hogwarts, which is... In my world wizards come of age at 17 - age 17. So in book 7 you'll see Harry come of age, which means he's allowed to use magic outside school, and you'll see the end of that school year. So it will be 7 years in his life.
А она не случайно все время подчеркивала тот факт, что Гарри сможет применять магию вне школы. Потому что ему как раз это и придется делать=)
Lydon: What's the - why seven? And what - what is the contour that you want to complete?
JKR: Well, seven ... I - er - for several reasons, but I suppose the main one, I - I was seven years at my secondary school - that's kind of standard in England. Seven is also a magical number. I wanted him to come of age at 17 - erm - just seems a good number for a wizard to come of age. So that meant seven books and that meant seven years in his life. Also it will take seven books to get Harry to the point where he has to face - erm, I can't say [laughs] - but in book seven, you know, there's a big climax coming here, and it will take that many books to get him there.
Это должно быть что-то совершенно невероятное, чтобы вести читателя к этому семь книг...
Lydon: Dumbledore says to Harry at one point that it's the choices we make that show what we truly are - choices more than –
JKR: - rather than our abilities, yeah
I've got to write what I want to write - if by book six I'm only writing for six people and I've lost everyone else - then yeah I'm going to be sorry about that, but - but I will feel that I have to - I have to stand by what I want to do
Вот это достойно уважения, безусловно. Меня эта цитата наводит на мысли о шипперских войнах. Вот только кого именно она имела в виду? Хорошо, что меня все эти разборки мало волнуют.
What makes some witches/wizards become ghosts after they die and some not?
You don't really find that out until Book VII, but I can say that the happiest people do not become ghosts. As you might guess, Moaning Myrtle!
Я вот никогда не придавала значения призракам у Роулинг, ни после пятой, ни после шестой книг, но у нее они явно играют крайне важную роль. Вот над чем стоило бы поломать голову до 21го. Но я не буду.
E: You do believe in God.
JK: Yeah. Yeah.
E: In magic and…
JK: Magic in the sense in which it happens in my books, no, I don't believe. I don't believe in that. No. No. This is so frustrating. Again, there is so much I would like to say, and come back when I've written book seven. But then maybe you won't need to even say it 'cause you'll have found it out anyway. You'll have read it.
Ох... И наверняка все это будет связано с тем самым кульминационным моментом. И с призраками. Или нет?=) Догадаться совершенно нереально.